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BK Shivani

Shivani Verma


The Brahma Kumaris is a spiritual organization that originated in India. It is based on the teachings of the Hindu scriptures, and focuses on personal transformation and spiritual growth. The organization offers courses and workshops on meditation, yoga, and self-awareness, and has a global presence with centers in over 100 countries.

Founded in the 1930s by Dada Lekhraj, a jeweler and spiritual seeker from Rajasthan, India, the Brahma Kumaris initially focused on providing a space for spiritual seekers to come together and meditate. Over time, the organization grew and expanded, and began offering a wide range of spiritual and personal development courses and workshops.

The Brahma Kumaris view spirituality as a practical and everyday pursuit, and believe that it is possible for anyone to develop their inner spiritual potential, regardless of their background or beliefs. The organization teaches that by developing a deep connection with our inner selves, we can access a source of peace, wisdom, and happiness that is always available to us, even in the face of life's challenges.

Central to the teachings of the Brahma Kumaris is the concept of Raja Yoga, which is a form of meditation that focuses on connecting with the inner self and developing a state of inner peace and clarity. Through regular practice of Raja Yoga, the organization believes that individuals can develop greater mental clarity and focus, and learn to live in the present moment without being swayed by the distractions and stresses of daily life. In addition to its focus on meditation and personal growth, the Brahma Kumaris also place a strong emphasis on service and community-building.

The organization encourages its members to contribute to their local communities in meaningful ways, and to use their spiritual practice as a way to connect with others and create positive change in the world.Overall, the Brahma Kumaris is a spiritual organization that offers a unique and practical approach to personal and spiritual growth. Through its courses and workshops, the organization helps individuals from all walks of life to develop greater inner peace, clarity, and happiness, and to connect with their inner spiritual potential.

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