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Sadhguru Speaks: Enhance Creativity


Sadhguru: I don't think humans are capable of being creative. If we have a deep understanding of the creation around us, we can duplicate it in a variety of ways, in permutations and combinations, and appear creative to others although in reality we are not.

Creation has already completed everything that is capable of creation. At most, we are capable artisans. This is not truly creative—rather, it is smart imitation—if you define "creativity" as actually making something, whether you make a movie, a painting, a building, a speech, or anything else. We can copy in ways that others have not imagined possible since we have paid attention to various facets of life. If you prefer the word "replicate" instead of "imitate," use that instead.

A Mystic's Perspective on the Creative Process

No one has horns, an additional arm, or three eyes when you look at humans; everything is the same while while being different. That's creativity. If you had to sum up what makes somebody human in a few words, you could say that everyone has two hands, two legs, one nose, two eyes, and so on. But take a look at how singular in every manner one of them is. This is how creation operates.

Anything you make, in any shape or colour, whether it be a piece of jewellery or clothes, a structure, or anything else, already existing someplace in nature.

Never should a human believe that they are producing something. We are unconsciously or consciously reproducing a few things from the impressions we have received. There isn't much room for innovation here. Anything you make, in any shape or colour, whether it be a piece of jewellery or clothes, a structure, or anything else, already existing someplace in nature.

You have unconsciously absorbed a great deal of impressions. Some of the shapes, colours, and forms in your thoughts could find unconscious expression. When someone refers to the ashram as being lovely, it should be understood that the mountains, which are the ashram's most magnificent feature, were not created by me. Despite the fact that most people might not see, they are creating a backdrop.

Shankaran Pillai visited the Isha Yoga Center after it had occurred, and he requested a room with a view. We assigned you to a suitable room in the Chitra block. He continued to whine, "I wanted a room with a view," as he did so.

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