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The Problem As an Ego Tonic | OSHO Talks


The ego wants mountains; molehills don't make it feel comfortable or good. Even if it is a misery, it ought to be an Everest rather than a molehill. Even if it is miserable, the ego desires to be exceptionally miserable rather than just miserable in general.

People never stop making significant problems out of nothing. I have spoken with thousands of people about their issues, but I have yet to encounter a genuine issue. Because you feel empty without difficulties, you manufacture all fictitious ones. Nothing can be done, nothing can be fought with, and there is nowhere to go. People switch between gurus, masters, psychoanalysts, and encounter groups because, if they don't, they start to feel hollow and as though life has no purpose. You intentionally cause issues so that you can experience life as a difficult task, a growth, and a battle.

Remember, the ego can only live when it resists and battles. You won't trust me if I tell you to kill three flies in order to become enlightened. You'll retort, "Three flies? It doesn't seem like there is much to that. And I'll achieve enlightenment then? That doesn't seem likely, at all. It sounds more realistic if I tell you that you'll have to slay 700 lions. The more challenging a situation is, the higher your ego will soar because of it. You cause issues. There are no issues.

The gurus, priests, and psychoanalysts are joyful because you have made their entire field possible. What good would it do you to have gurus help you if you don't construct mountains out of molehills and don't turn your molehills into mountains? You must first be in a condition to receive assistance.

Differing Viewpoint

The true masters have been expressing a different viewpoint. "Please look what you are doing, what rubbish you are doing," they have been pleading. You create a problem first, then you look for a solution. The remedy is to not create the problem in the first place, at the exact time that you are producing it. Just be aware of this. However, you won't find that appealing because you would then be abruptly flung flat upon yourself. Not much to do? No illumination? Zero satori? Not a samadhi? Additionally, you are incredibly restless and empty and are attempting to stuff yourself with anything.

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