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  • Why should I meditate?
    Meditation offers numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. It can reduce stress, increase relaxation, improve focus and concentration, enhance self-awareness, promote emotional well-being, and cultivate inner peace and harmony.
  • What is thoughtless meditation?
    Thoughtless meditation, also known as Sahaja Yoga meditation, is a state of mental silence and pure awareness where the mind is free from thoughts, allowing one to experience deep inner calmness and connection with the higher self.
  • What should I think about during meditation?
    In meditation, the focus is not on thinking but on observing and being present in the moment. Rather than actively engaging in thoughts, the aim is to let go of thoughts and find stillness within. You can focus on your breath, sensations in the body, or use a mantra or visualizations if desired.
  • What is the best time for meditation?
    The best time for meditation varies for each individual. Some people prefer early mornings as it helps set a positive tone for the day, while others find evenings more suitable for relaxation and reflection. Ultimately, choose a time that works best for you and allows you to establish a consistent practice.
  • How do I sit during meditation?
    While there are various sitting positions for meditation, the most common ones are cross-legged on a cushion or mat, sitting on a chair with feet flat on the ground, or using a meditation bench or stool. The key is to find a comfortable and stable posture that supports an upright spine and relaxed body.
  • How long should I meditate?
    The duration of meditation can vary depending on your preference and schedule. Starting with shorter sessions, such as 5-10 minutes, and gradually increasing the duration is a good approach. The important thing is to establish a regular practice, even if it's just a few minutes a day.
  • Can I meditate if I have a busy mind?
    Yes, meditation can be practiced even if you have a busy mind. In fact, it can be especially beneficial in calming a busy mind and cultivating mental clarity. With time and practice, you will learn to observe thoughts without getting attached to them, allowing the mind to naturally settle into a state of calm.
  • Is meditation a religious practice?
    While meditation is practiced in various spiritual and religious traditions, it is not limited to any specific belief system. Meditation can be a secular practice that helps individuals connect with their inner selves, cultivate mindfulness, and promote overall well-being.
  • Can meditation improve my focus and concentration?
    Yes, regular meditation practice has been shown to improve focus and concentration. By training the mind to stay present and reducing distractions, meditation enhances cognitive function and the ability to sustain attention, leading to improved focus and productivity in daily life.
  • Can meditation help with stress and anxiety?
    Absolutely! Meditation is known to be an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety. It promotes relaxation, reduces the production of stress hormones, and helps cultivate a calmer and more balanced state of mind. Regular practice can lead to greater resilience and a more peaceful approach to life's challenges.
  • Can meditation help me develop a deeper spiritual connection?
    Yes, meditation can deepen your spiritual connection by providing a space for self-reflection, inner exploration, and a heightened sense of awareness. Regular practice can cultivate a stronger connection with your inner self, higher consciousness, and the spiritual dimensions of life.
  • Do I need any prior experience to attend live meditation sessions?
    No, prior experience is not required to attend live meditation sessions. Our sessions are suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Our instructors will guide you through the process, providing instructions and support to help you deepen your practice.
  • Can I access the digital reference library without enrolling in courses?
    Yes, the digital reference library is available for all visitors to access and explore. It provides a wealth of spiritual knowledge and resources that can enhance your understanding and support your spiritual journey, whether or not you are enrolled in our courses.
  • How do I access the courses after enrolling?
    Once you enroll in a course, you will receive login credentials to access our online learning platform. Simply log in using the provided information, and you will have full access to the course materials, lectures, resources, and any additional features specific to the course.
  • Can I interact with instructors during the live meditation sessions?
    Yes, our live meditation sessions offer opportunities for interaction and engagement. You can ask questions, seek guidance, and share your experiences with the instructors and fellow participants. This interactive aspect creates a supportive and enriching environment for your meditation practice.
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